Listing several problems, from The New York Times:
Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis
by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025
A New York Times review of clinic documents and legal filings, as well as interviews with more than 50 current and former Planned Parenthood executives, consultants and medical staff members, found that some clinics are so short of cash that care has suffered. Many operate with aging equipment and poorly trained staff, as turnover has increased because of rock-bottom salaries . . .
Employees at various affiliates said it was common to run out of over-the-counter pain medication and I.V. flushes . . .
Clinic employees said repeatedly in interviews that patients routinely encountered long waits, undertrained staff members and trouble even booking an appointment.
“I saw clients get turned away for services because they couldn’t afford it and the process of getting aid through Planned Parenthood took too long,” said Damien Hamblin, a medical assistant who worked at health care clinics before joining Planned Parenthood Arizona in 2022; he later left. “We’re supposed to be the organization for people that don’t have resources.”
Planned Parenthood itself offers detailed information on its own racist history:
The History & Impact of Planned Parenthood
Article in Buzzfeed:
Employees Are Calling Out Major Reproductive Rights Organizations for Racism and Hypocrisy
by Ema O’Connor,
Article in Buzzfeed:
Dozens of Black Employees Said They Faced Racism at Planned Parenthood, An Internal Audit Found
by Ema O’Connor, October 9, 2020
Article from The Philadelphia Inquirer:
by Sarah Gantz, April 18, 2023
Over the last five years, discrimination lawsuits have been filed by at least two dozen former and current employees of Planned Parenthood’s 49 affiliates, which employ thousands across the country and are a leading source of reproductive health care in almost every state, according to an Inquirer analysis of publicly available national case databases.
In court records and interviews, employees said they faced racist comments from coworkers and were held to a different standard than white colleagues. Many said supervisors were more critical of their work, while valuing their contributions less, compared with white coworkers . . .
For every former employee who has sued, many more likely have experienced discrimination but stayed quiet for fear that it will affect their ability to find new employment, lawyers representing workers told The Inquirer. The number and geographic spread of the cases suggest a systemic problem, according to a University of Pennsylvania expert in diversity in health-care workplaces.
Court Complaint: Moore
Court document filed against Planned Parenthood of America:
Moore Complaint, October 19, 2022
When Moore politely spoke up about the inequitable distribution of work, she was falsely accused of being negative, angry, difficult to work with, and chastised for her “tone” – complaints that had no basis in reality but comported with well-trafficked stereotypes about Black women. Planned Parenthood executives then proceeded to thwart Moore’s ideas, sabotage her projects, and subject her to unfounded disciplinary measures that were clearly intended to silence her complaints. The barrage of mistreatment caused Moore to suffer a panic attack so severe that she spent a day in the hospital. After complaining to HR that the disciplinary measures appeared to be retaliation for her complaints of racial inequality at the organization, she was summarily fired.
Article in The Daily Beast:
Ex-Planned Parenthood Employee Says Racist, Toxic Culture Sent Her to the ER
by Emily Shugerman and Brianna Sacks, October 19, 2022
(see also an employee Tweet)
Article in KSRO Talk Radio:
Former Planned Parenthood Employee Sues Organization, Alleging Racism And Mistreatment Of Black Women
October 20, 2022
(NEW YORK) — A former Planned Parenthood employee is suing the organization, alleging the reproductive healthcare nonprofit retaliated against her and ultimately fired her for speaking out against its treatment of Black women.
Plaintiff Nicole Moore, the former director for multicultural engagement at Planned Parenthood based at the national headquarters in Manhattan, New York, claims in the complaint filed on Wednesday that Planned Parenthood has perpetuated a culture of racism where Black women within the organization are discriminated against through unequal work distribution and opportunities for promotions.
“[Planned Parenthood] has blatantly ignored reports by dozens of its Black employees of systemic unequal hiring and promotion, more work for lower pay, overt hostility, and trafficking in stereotypes by leadership,” according to a copy of the complaint obtained by ABC News.
Moore, who says she served in the role from Jan. 13, 2020, through Nov. 2, 2021, also claims that “Black-centered campaigns were deprioritized and under-resourced.”
Patient and Employee Reviews Report on Racism
The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities
by Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel
Annals of Health Law – Vol 23 Issue 1, 2014
Page 77:
case study, pp. 76-77:
During the time I was on the street, I went to hospitals, urgent care clinics, women’s health clinics, and private doctors. No one ever asked me anything anytime I ever went to a clinic . . . I was on birth control during the 10 years I was on the streets – mostly Depo-Provera shots which I got at Planned Parenthood and other neighborhood clinics. I also got the morning-after pill from them. I was young and so I had to have a waiver signed in order to get these – one of the doctors (A private doctors I think) signed this wavier when my uncle took me to see him.
— Lauren, survivor
Article in ReWire News Group:
Planned Parenthood Has a History of Trying to Beat Back Labor Unions
Erin Heger, July 19, 2018
Out of 56 Planned Parenthood affiliates across the United States, only five are unionized, according to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA): Planned Parenthood of New York City, Planned Parenthood Metro D.C., Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands, and Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette.
Article in The New York Times:
Planned Parenthood Is Accused of Mistreating Pregnant Employees
Natalie Kitroeffand and December 20, 2018
Article in The New York Times
Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis
by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025
Salaries are so low that it is not unusual for staff members to qualify for Medicaid and federal food assistance.
Turnover is hovering at around 50 percent a year in many parts of the country, and clinic workers complained that they were learning from inexperienced peers. More than a dozen said they did not receive adequate training for patient intake, blood draws and other tasks.
“We’re begging for supplies, and we get denied constantly because they just can’t afford it,” said Ashley Schmidt, a training and development specialist in Nebraska who resigned in December.
[Picture caption]: The broken air conditioning at an administrative center in Iowa kept temperatures in the 90s for several weeks, according to photos and text messages about the problem . . .
Scores of former employees have sued Planned Parenthood, raising complaints that include refusing to pay overtime or provide breaks, pushing out employees who needed time off to deal with injuries or newborn babies, and firing people who complained about discrimination or clinic practices.
Planned Parenthood said that it does not retaliate against employees. The organization has settled most of these claims.
Union Video
These screenshots are from a video from More Perfect Union: Building Power for Working People. It’s about union organizing for Planned Parenthood. The video advocates the mission of Planned Parenthood and argues that its efforts will help make the mission more effective.
Article in The Washington Post
You scheduled an abortion. Planned Parenthood’s website could tell Facebook. The organization left marketing trackers running on its scheduling pages

Excerpts from Boundless: An Abortion Doctor Becomes a Mother
by Christine Henneberg
(San Francisco, California, 2022)
Page 209:
The bulk of my abortion training took place outside the walls of our residency hospital and clinic . . . I was trained in Planned Parenthood clinics as part of the TEACH partnership, a program whose goal is to help primary care doctors integrate abortion care into their practice.
Pages 243 – 245:
The last procedure of the day was a woman with an eight-week pregnancy and three prior C-sections. I was making my last pass with the 8-flex cannula, when suddenly I felt the fundus – the posterior wall of the uterus – disappear. I knew immediately what had happened. “Rebecca,” I said, “I think I perforated.”
She had been checking something on her phone. She looked up. “Suction off,” she told the assistant. “Let me feel.” She placed her hands on the cannula and probed the wall of the uterus, feeling what I did.
“Yup, you did,” she said. “You perforated.” She didn’t bat an eye. “You think you got everything out?”
“Yes, I think so,” I said.
“Let’s look,” she said.
We took the suction container to the lab room and examined the contents. An eight-week-size gestational sac floated in the Plexiglas dish. The abortion was complete.
We returned to the room. Rebecca felt around the walls of the uterus one more time, watching her movements closely on ultrasound. “Don’t worry,” she said. “She’s going to be fine.”
My face must have been ashen. “Have you ever perforated before?” she asked me.
She gave a little laugh. “The thing you have to remember is that abortions are one of the safest procedures there is. Perforation is like your worst nightmare, right? We are so careful to avoid it, and we should be. But now it’s happened to you. You poked a little hole in her uterus. You have to watch her for bleeding, make sure you didn’t suck any bowel through with your cannula. But 99% of the time that doesn’t happen. You’ll watch her. She’ll go home. This will heal itself up in a few days.”
She handed me a copy of the clinic protocol for perforations, and told me to write a note detailing the procedure and my management plan. When the patient woke up, I told her what had happened and answered her questions. At the end of it, she was fine. She went home. We went home.
Pages 246 – 247
On the very first case the next morning, I perforated again. “Are you serious?” Rebecca said this time. But she wasn’t angry.
“This is okay, this is good,” she said, as we repeated the steps from yesterday: examining the products of conception, checking the patient’s uterus with the ultrasound, drawing a hemoglobin level as she awoke in the recovery room. “You’re learning from this. This happens.”
But I was horrified. My hands shook as I started the next case.
Page 263
I still manage perforation according to the exact protocol we followed (twice) while I was training with her [Rebecca].”
According to Medic Journal, this is the treatment protocol for uterine perforation (full section)
Further tactics in uterine perforation are determined by the timeliness of defect recognition, its magnitude, localization, the mechanism of injury, and the interest of internal organs. If the perforation is incomplete, the hole is small, and there is absolute confidence in the absence of damage to the OBP, parametral hematoma and intra-abdominal bleeding, conservative-observational tactics can be undertaken. In this case, bed rest is prescribed, cold on the stomach, uterotonic drugs and antibiotics are used. Dynamic ultrasound control is carried out.
In other situations (in the presence of peritoneal symptoms and increasing signs of internal bleeding), laparoscopy or laparotomy, a thorough revision are indicated. If a small defect is detected in the uterine wall, they are limited to suturing the wound. If multiple or large ruptures of the uterine wall are detected, the issue is resolved in favor of supravaginal amputation (removal of the uterus without a cervix) or even hysterectomy (complete removal of the uterus). In case of perforation of the uterus complicated by injury of adjacent organs, the volume of the operating allowance is supplemented with appropriate interventions. In order to replenish blood loss, infusion therapy, transfusion of blood components is carried out, and antibacterial therapy is used to prevent infectious complications.

Full Report: Employee Reviews
Full Report on Patient Reviews: Medical Dangers
(There is also a section on medical dangers in the Full Report: Employee Reviews)
This report will be posted here upon completion.
Full Report: Reviews on Staff Behavior and Facility Conditions
This report will be posted here upon completion.
Full Report:: Employee & Patient Reviews on Financial Ethics
This report will be posted here upon completion.