Affiliate: Planned Parenthood South Atlantic
covers North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, and two centers in Virginia.
Locations: 9. Covered here: 9.
Patients who feel a need to file a complaint:
North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation – Complaint Intake
Entire State
Article from ReWire News Group
Planned Parenthood Has a History of Trying to Beat Back Labor Unions
Jessica Rubio, a nurse practitioner in North Carolina, said she experienced pushback 14 years ago when she and her colleagues tried to unionize at Planned Parenthood of Central North Carolina (PPCNC).
“Management became very nasty,” Rubio told Rewire.News. “There was a lot of blatant intimidation.”
After seeing discrepancies in promotions and wanting to address concerns over pay and benefits, Rubio and several of her colleagues at PPCNC began organizing a union in 2004. They received immediate pushback, Rubio said, with management scheduling mandatory anti-union meetings as well as pulling workers aside in the hallway and telling them a union would hurt Planned Parenthood . . .
Rubio and her colleagues eventually won their union election, but management dragged out contract negotiations for so long that many workers ended up leaving and the bargaining unit dissolved . . .
Rubio’s experience trying to unionize at PPCNC ended with her vowing to never again work for a Planned Parenthood affiliate. “I’m passionate about reproductive health, but I’m sad to say that’s no longer funneled toward Planned Parenthood,” Rubio said. “I am so disillusioned by the exploitation of those working and sacrificing for the cause.”
Office of Inspector General | Government Oversight | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (
NC Asheville Google 1. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Asheville Google 2. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Asheville Google 3. Accessed 08.24.22.
Chapel Hill
See this center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews
Health Violation Documents:
Clinic Conditions
Staff failed to clean and disinfect the floor in the procedure room. Inspectors found dirt and rust on the floor. There were dirt stains on the floor at the foot and head of the exam table. The floor wasn’t cleaned between patients or even daily, but only several times a week, by janitorial staff
Medications were administered by unlicensed, unqualified staff members. This included intramuscular injections of RhoGAM and birth control injections.
Medical Records and Labels
The facility failed to document medication administration properly in its records. They didn’t record at what times medications were given. Multiple inspections documenting this.
Treatment of Patients
The facility failed to conduct proper informed consent. This was cited in multiple inspections.
In seven out of seven cases, the facility failed to give women instructions about what to do and who to contact in the event of medical emergencies.
Staff failed to sterilize a vaginal ultrasound probe between uses. They used the ultrasound probe on multiple women without properly cleaning and disinfecting it. This has the potential to spread infections.
February 26, 2022
October 7, 2022
January 28, 2023
April 1, 2023
October 19, 2023
NC Chapel Hill Ambulance Call – Event Report 02.26.22
NC Chapel Hill Ambulance Call – Event Report 01.28.23 Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Chapel Hill, NC
NC Chapel Hill Indeed 1
NC Chapel Hill Google 1. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Chapel Hill Google 2. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Chapel Hill Google 3. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Chapel Hill Google 4. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Chapel Hill Yelp 1
NC Chapel Hill Yelp 2
NC Chapel Hill Yelp 3
NC Chapel Hill Better Business Bureau complaint
No Choice: The Destruction of Roe v. Wade and the Fight to Protect a Fundamental American Right
by Becca Andrews
(New York: Public Affairs, 2022) Kindle version
Note: Mars is non-binary and uses the pronoun “they.”
[A] nurse suggested they get an IUD . . .
A wave of shame washed over Mars – this lady must think I’m such an idiot for getting pregnant. ‘Um, all right,’ they replied. The insertion was excruciating for them, and they felt they were not given the space to make a truly autonomous decision about contraception, which made it traumatic.
“I look back and I recognize that saying yes to that was a form of self-harm,” they told me.
They knew they didn’t want hormonal contraception – it could worsen the gender dysphoria they already experienced . . . so they opted for the Copper IUD, which in their body provoked vicious menstruation cycles, rendering them unable to walk some days out of each month.
Nearly five years later, they could no longer bear it, and they went back to the clinic to get it removed, but they were informed that because the IUD was not expired, they would have to pay full price to have it removed, setting them back at least $200, which they didn’t have.
Charlotte Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews in Charlotte, NC
NC Charlotte Indeed 1
NC Charlotte Google 1. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 2. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 3. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 4. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 5. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 6. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 7. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 8. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 9. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 10. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 11. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 12. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 13. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 14. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 15. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 16. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 17. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 18. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 19. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Charlotte Google 20. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 21. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 22. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 23. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Google 24. Accessed 08.27.22.
NC Charlotte Yelp 1
NC Charlotte Yelp 2
NC Charlotte Yelp 3
NC Charlotte Yelp 4
NC Charlotte Yelp 5
NC Charlotte Google 1. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Charlotte Google 2. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Charlotte Google 3. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Charlotte Google 4. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Charlotte Google 5. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Durham Yelp 1
NC Durham Yelp 2
Clinic Conditions
The facility had expired medications and supplies. An oxygen mask required for emergencies had expired eight years before. Needles and curettes were expired by over two years, and other supplies were also expired.
Treatment of Patients
The facility was required to keep women in the recovery room for at least an hour after surgery to make sure there were no complications. Staff failed to do this. Women were discharged 35 – 37 minutes after surgery and were not observed long enough to rule out complications.
NC Fayetteville Google 1. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Fayetteville Google 2. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Fayetteville Google 3. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Fayetteville Google 4. Accessed 05.04.21.
this center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews
Google reviews / Yelp reviews
NC Greensboro Google 1. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Greensboro Google 2. Accessed 05.04.21.
See this center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews
NC Raleigh Google 1. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 2. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 3. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 4. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 5. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 6. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 7. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 8. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 9. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 10. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 11. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Raleigh Google 12. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 13. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 14. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 15. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 16. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 17. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 18. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 19. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 20. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 21. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Google 23. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Raleigh Yelp 1
NC Raleigh Yelp 2
NC Raleigh Yelp 3
NC Raleigh Yelp 4
Health Violation Document:
Clinic Conditions
Blood samples and human tissue were stored in the same refrigerator as medications. This brings a risk of cross-contamination.
Medical Records and Labels
Doctors failed to sign consent forms.
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights
Health Information Privacy Complaint:
Excerpt from Complaint:
On Tuesday 1/20/2015 prescription birth control pills were given to a Patient A. The patient completed checkout and was charged as another Patient B. Patient B’s information was given to the Patient A. Possible wrong birth control pills given to Patient A. Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Wilmington, NC
NC Wilmington Indeed 1
NC Wilmington Google 1. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Wilmington Google 2. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Wilmington Google 3. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Wilmington Google 4. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Wilmington Google 5. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Wilmington Google 6. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Wilmington Google 7. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Wilmington Google 8. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Wilmington Google 9. Accessed 08.24.22.
NC Wilmington Yelp 1
See this center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews
Health Violation Documents:
Clinic Conditions
Biohazardous waste, including used needles, was stored close to employees’ personal belongings and extra supplies.
A syringe filled with lidocaine was left unattended and unsecured, leaving open the possibility of contamination or tampering.
A disposable lab coat and masks were used repeatedly. There was not enough personal protective equipment for the staff.
There was no evaluation of competency for staff preparing and administering medication. One of the doctors administering medication was not registered with the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy. The clinic failed to ensure that a healthcare assistant preparing medication was competent to do so.
The staff didn’t properly disinfect instruments. The staff failed to “follow safe practices to prevent the spread of infection,” according to the report. There was possible cross-contamination between dirty and clean instruments as dirty instruments were lifted and passed over clean ones. Staff kept dirty and clean instruments in the same sink.
Staff failed to wear sufficient personal protective equipment when handling dirty instruments. In a subsequent inspection, this was found to still be a problem, and staff were given more training.
According to the clinic’s regional director, “a lot of our docs don’t use masks during procedures.”
Staff did not practice good hand hygiene while handling potentially infectious material. Because of this, they were required to go through more training.
Medical Records and Labels
Documents verifying informed consent weren’t signed by doctors for every patient whose paperwork was examined. This was an ongoing problem, also cited in a second inspection two years later.
In this second inspection, it was also found that the time of the procedure wasn’t given for any of the patients whose records were examined. The clinic’s regional director said the clinic’s health service manager “did not receive the proper training and it was just poor training on my part.”
The facility failed to conduct periodic checks of emergency equipment including the emergency defibrillator. The clinic’s regional director and vice president said, “I know we aren’t checking it, and to be honest, we haven’t looked at the manufacturer recommendations or developed a protocol. We are going to have to determine how often checks should be done . . . Maybe every six months or maybe we need to do it every month.” This lack of testing of equipment needed in an emergency could put patients’ lives at risk.
Document coming soon.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration fined the facility $188 for two violations, one of which was classified as “serious.” Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Winston-Salem, NC
NC Winston-Salem Indeed 1
NC Winston-Salem Google 1. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Winston-Salem Google 2. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Winston-Salem Google 3. Accessed 05.04.21.
NC Winston-Salem Google 4. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Google 5. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Google 6. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Google 7. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Google 8. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Google 9. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Google 10. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Google 11. Accessed 08.26.22.
NC Winston-Salem Yelp 1