Affiliate: Planned Parenthood Mar Monte
Locations: 4. Covered here: 4.
Patients who feel a need to file a complaint:
How to File a Complaint with the California Medical Board
Mar Monte (entire affiliate)
Article from Monterey County Weekly:
A former employee sues Planned Parenthood, alleging retaliation for speaking up about harassment
by Mary Duan, Oct 31, 2019
The woman once responsible for cultivating donors and bringing in major cash contributions to the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country has sued her former employer, alleging the organization mishandled a sexual harassment and assault claim brought by another employee, then fired her when she repeatedly expressed her concerns about it.
Elizabeth Winchester says she was fired in late 2018 from the job she held at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte after she twice complained to her supervisor and CEO Stacy Cross about how they were handling the harassment and assault complaint. In her suit, filed Oct. 10 in Monterey County Superior Court, Winchester says Planned Parenthood issued her a “final written warning for alleged professional misconduct” after her second complaint, which she made on Oct. 24, 2018, and that her subsequent firing was in retaliation.
Article from Monterey County Weekly:
A former employee sues Planned Parenthood, alleging retaliation for speaking up about harassment
by Mary Duan, Oct 31, 2019
Winchester also alleges Planned Parenthood Mar Monte violated state labor codes, requiring her to work extra hours without paying her overtime and failing to provide her both required rest breaks and required meal breaks. The suit also claims that upon her firing, Planned Parenthood failed to pay her all past due wages.
San Jose (entire city) Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for San Jose, CA
CA San Jose Indeed 1
CA San Jose Indeed 2
CA San Jose Indeed 3
CA San Jose Indeed 4
CA San Jose Indeed 5
San Jose
Blossom Hill
CA San Jose Blossom Hill Google 1. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Blossom Hill Google 2. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Blossom Hill Yelp 1
CA San Jose Blossom Hill Yelp 2
CA San Jose Blossom Hill Yelp 3
CA San Jose Blossom Hill Yelp 4
San Jose
Central (on the Alameda)
Doctor’s License Revoked – Joplin
Dr. Joplin served at Planned Parenthood, primarily at the San Jose Center, for many years and was working there at the time of his license revocation in 2011.
8. . . .it was alleged that Respondent engaged in unprofessional conduct in that he consumed alcohol to excess and to an extent he endangered himself and others, and that he had been criminally convicted on two separate occasions of offenses related to the use and consumption of alcohol. . . . Respondent’s license was revoked, stayed, with seven years probation. The terms and conditions of probation . . . required him to abstain completely from the use of products or beverages containing alcohol, submit to biological fluid testing, undergo a psychiatric evaluation, participate in psychotherapy, have a practice monitor, and not engage in the sole practice of medicine . . .
9.A. . . . Respondent failed to comply with this term of his probation in that multiple bodily fluid tests resulted in a positive test result for the presence of alcohol.
First Cause for Disciplinary Action
E. Y.G. had a normal prenatal course until on or about March 28, 1990 . . .
11.G. Despite elevated blood pressure, proteinuria and other findings on examination, respondent did not consider and/or did not chart the possiblity of preeclampsia, did not consider and/or did not chart the potential for early induction of labor inY.G. and did not conduct appropriate patient surveillance. . .
11.I. Four days later, on April 9, 2990, Y.G. presented to the Emergency Room at South Valley Hospital with complaints of severe acute low back pain. . . . Y.G. was diagnosed with toxemia. Emergent medical measures were taken. After delivering a viable male infant, Y.G. died on April 10, 1990.
12. . . . he is guilty of gross negligence and/or incompetence in the practice of his profession . . . .
Second Cause for Disciplinary Action
13.B. On July 17, 1993, patient M.M. presented to respondent for examination at the Planned Parenthood Clnic in Seaside, California . . . Respondent recorded in the chart that the patient was 9 and ½ weeks pregnant. Respondent preformed a pelvic examnation at that time and recorded that the uterus was soft and felt approximately 11-12 weeks size . . .
13.C. On July 17, 1993, respondent undertook to perform an abortion . . .
13.D. Respondent ordered M.M. transferred to Natividad Medical Center, Where ultrasound demonstrated the fetus to be 27 weeks. Labor was induced and the female stillborn was taken for evaluation by the County Coroner.
13.E. At all relevant times, respondent knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known, that M.M.’s fetus was 27 weeks and viable.
14. . . . he is guilty of gross negligence and/or incompetence . . .
A patient was given and took home a bag with the name and information of another patient on it.
A patient received mail with another patient’s information on it, including her name, date of birth, and address.
From the California Department of Public Health website:
CA San Jose Central complaints 2025
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights
Health Information Privacy Complaint:
CA San Jose Central HHS-OCR 2016
Complaint filed October 17, 2016
CA San Jose Central Google 1. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Central Google 2. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Central Google 3. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Central Google 4. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Central Google 5. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Central Google 6. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Central Google 7. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Central Yelp 1
CA San Jose Central Yelp 2
CA San Jose Central Yelp 3
San Jose
East Side
CA San Jose East Side Google 1. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose East Side Google 2. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose East Side Google 3. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose East Side Google 4. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose East Side Google 4. Accessed 03.11.22.
CA San Jose East Side Yelp 1
CA San Jose East Side Yelp 2
CA San Jose East Side Yelp 3
CA San Jose East Side Yelp 4
CA San Jose East Side Yelp 5
CA San Jose East Side Yelp 6
San Jose
Mar Monte
CA San Jose Mar Monte Google 1. Accessed 06.07.21.
CA San Jose Mar Monte Yelp 1
CA San Jose Mar Monte Yelp 2
CA San Jose Mar Monte Yelp 3
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CA San Jose Mar Monte Yelp 7