Planned Parenthood West Virginia

Affiliate: Planned Parenthood South Atlantic
covers North Carolina, South Carolina, two centers in Virginia, and West Virginia

Locations: 1. Covered here: 1.

West Virginia does not do state inspections of this kind of facility.

Patients who feel a need to file a complaint: 
West Virginia Office of Health Facility Licensure & Certification – Filing a Complaint

Planned Parenthood West Virginia

Closed Facility: Parkersburg 

Sexual Abuse Planned Parenthood


WV Court Memorandum Opinion and Order – Puskas


“the victim advised  that during the period that she and Puskas were sexually active,
he would drive her to a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Parkersburg, West Virginia, so that she could receive birth control injections.”

Planned Parenthood West VirginiaVienna

Open Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons.

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