Affiliate: Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi
Locations: 4. Covered here: 4.
Patients who feel a need to file a complaint:
Filing a Complaint Against a Tennessee Health Care Facility or Provider
Unknown Location
Article from The Philadelphia Inquirer:
by Sarah Gantz, April 18, 2023
The cases detail how inappropriate behavior, racist tropes, microaggressions, and unequal expectations went unchecked, even after employees complained. A few examples:
- A Latina community organizer in Tennessee who complained about racism in the workplace said she was written off as “mean” and “hostile.” A supervisor scolded her for having a “snarky look” during a meeting to discuss her concerns, according to a 2023 complaint in an ongoing case.
TN Knoxville Google 1. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Knoxville Google 2. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Knoxville Google 3. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Knoxville Google 4. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Knoxville Google 5. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Knoxville Google 6. Accessed 08.24.22.
Memphis (entire city)
The Better Business Bureau webpage lists this center under “did not disclose” and states: “This charitable organization either has not responded to written BBB requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to BBB Standards for Charity Accountability.” Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Memphis, TN
TN Memphis Indeed 1
TN Memphis Indeed 2
TN Memphis Indeed 3
Health Violation Documents:
Clinic Conditions
According to the inspection reports, the facility failed to maintain an environment “in such a manner that the safety and well-being of the patients are assured.”
There were holes in three of the four walls in the elevator equipment room. There were four holes in the ceiling of the generator room. There were eight holes in the ceiling of the second floor mechanical room. There were holes in the walls in the boiler room. These problems were cited in multiple inspections, and were not fixed.
The facility had the following fire hazards: A hand sanitizer dispenser was installed above a light switch. Electrical receptacles in a corridor had a damaged cover. Light fixtures in many of the rooms did not have bulb protection. The facility had not had its fire dampers inspected in four years. Access to a fire extinguisher was obstructed by an advertisement sign. Another fire extinguisher was taped to the wall and wasn’t available to be used in an emergency. None of the fire extinguishers were being inspected or tested. Doors were blocked with rubber wedges, possibly preventing patients and staff from escaping in the event of a fire. Signs were stored in the hallways, interfering with evacuation in case of an emergency. In a different inspection, cases of water were blocking hallways and bottles of beer were blocking stairs leading out. There were unsecured oxygen cylinders in the surgery room. There were no hazard signs located in areas where oxygen and other flammable gases were stored. This problem was not corrected and was cited in two different inspections. The exhaust fan in the soiled storage room wasn’t functioning.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 1. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 2. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 3. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 4. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 5. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 6. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 7. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 8. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 9. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 10. Accessed 05.15.21
TN Memphis Midtown Google 11. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 12. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 13. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 14. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Midtown Google 15. Accessed 05.15.21.
Summer & 1240
TN Memphis Summer Google 1. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Memphis Summer Google 2. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Summer Google 3. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Summer Google 4. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Summer Google 5. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Summer Google 6. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Summer Google 7. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Memphis Summer Yelp 1
TN Memphis Summer Yelp 2
TN Memphis Summer Yelp 3
Department of Health / Board of Medical Examiners document for doctor discipline:
TN Nashville Department of Health & Board of Medical Examiners Consent Order
At the Planned Parenthood facility, the doctor gave a prescription to an employee without proper examination, and later gave the employee a signed blank prescription. The doctor was required to complete a course on proper medical oversight of prescriptions.
Article from The Nashville Scene:
Former Planned Parenthood Employees Allege Mismanagement
by Steven Hale, December 18, 2018
The Scene spoke to four staffers from the facility, some of whom have lost their jobs as a result of the closure, and all describe a turbulent six months leading up to the announcement. Some learned of the news by email, while others found out when they checked a work schedule and noticed their name no longer appeared on it.
The staffers also say a number of patients with upcoming appointments received a terse text message informing them that the appointment had been canceled . . . The blunt, cold delivery of the news is in line with what they describe as a number of recent policy changes at the clinic that they perceived as being designed to prioritize money over patients. . . .
As for “quality improvement,” some former staff members say they believe that’s a euphemism for replacing employees who pushed back on troublesome policy changes with new ones who will be more compliant. Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Nashville, TN
TN Nashville Indeed 1
TN Nashville Indeed 2
TN Nashville Google 1. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 2. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 3. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 4. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 5. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 6. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 7. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 8. Accessed 05.15.21.
TN Nashville Google 9. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Google 10. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Google 11. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Google 12. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Google 13. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Google 14. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Google 15. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Google 16. Accessed 08.24.22.
TN Nashville Yelp 1
TN Nashville Yelp 2
TN Nashville Yelp 3
TN Nashville Yelp 4
TN Nashville Yelp 5