Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio
covers Akron, Athens, Bedford Heights, Cleveland, Columbus, Franklinton, Lorain, Mansfield,
Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio
covers Cincinnati, Dayton, Hamilton, and Springfield
Locations: 20. Covered here: 19.
Patients who feel a need to file a complaint:
Ohio Complaints Health Care Facilities
Entire State
Article in The New York Times
Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis
by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025
But in many clinics, they also draw blood and take vital signs. Medical assistants in Ohio, Minnesota, Arizona, California, New York, Texas, Indiana and Illinois said they practiced blood draws and I.V. placements for an hour or so on a fake arm and then on a colleague before performing the procedures in clinics. But they said they sometimes ran into problems, and some said they did not know what to do when they arose.
Southwest Ohio Affiliate
Case 1: Roe / Haller
from the Facts and Procedural History
Pages 3-4:
{¶ 6} In the fall of 2003, when Jane was 13 and in the eighth grade, she began a sexual relationship with her 21-year-old soccer coach, John Haller. In March 2004, Jane discovered that she was pregnant and told Haller. Haller convinced Jane to have an abortion. He called Planned Parenthood and attempted to schedule an abortion for her. Planned Parenthood told Haller that he could not schedule the procedure and that Jane would have to make the appointment. After this conversation, Haller told Jane to schedule it, and he also instructed her that if asked to provide a parent’s telephone number, she should give Planned Parenthood his cell phone number in lieu of her father’s phone number.
{¶ 7} Jane called Planned Parenthood and told an employee that she was 14 years old and that her parents could not accompany her. She asked whether her “stepbrother” could come with her. The employee asked whether Jane’s parents knew about her pregnancy. Jane lied and told the employee that one or both of her parents knew. In fact, neither knew. Jane gave the employee her father’s correct name and address, but she lied twice more, telling the employee that her father did not have a home phone number and then giving Haller’s cell phone number as her father’s phone number.
{¶ 8} Planned Parenthood scheduled the abortion for March 30, 2004. The employee told Jane that someone would have to stop at Planned Parenthood to pick up an information packet but that Jane did not have to personally retrieve the packet. Sometime before the procedure, Haller picked up the information packet for Jane. . . .
{¶ 13} Haller ended the relationship soon afterward. After the breakup, a teacher overheard an argument between Jane and Haller’s sister, a classmate of Jane’s, about Haller and his relationship with Jane, including references to Jane’s sexual relationship with Haller. The teacher reported the suspected sexual abuse to the police. After a criminal investigation, Haller was convicted of seven counts of sexual battery. A criminal investigation was also conducted into Planned Parenthood’s culpability, but the Hamilton County prosecutor did not prosecute Planned Parenthood for any statutory violation.
Case 2: Fairbanks
Denise Fairbanks v. Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region et al.
Filed May 7, 2007. Settled September, 2012.
In her own words:
A letter from Denise Fairbanks, January 2, 2012:
She’s out there. Somewhere. A girl just like me. Somewhere there’s a young innocent girl—barely a teenager. And right now, she’s suffering from the horrors of sexual abuse at the hands of an adult as I did. Somewhere “that girl” is getting raped. Like I was. Impregnated. Like I was.
And she may be taken to a Planned Parenthood abortion center. Like I was.
“That girl” may actually be telling Planned Parenthood that she’s being abused. Probably by her boyfriend. In my case, I was abused by my own father . . .
I was thirteen years old when my father started to abuse me, and my father continued to abuse me for almost two years after he took me to Planned Parenthood to have an abortion.
Northeast Ohio Affiliate
Letter from HHS/OCR responding to complaint – OH Northeast Affiliate
Akron Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Akron, OH
OH Akron Indeed 1
OH Akron Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Akron Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Akron Yelp 1
Bedford Heights
The Better Business Bureau webpage lists this center under “did not disclose” and states: “This charitable organization either has not responded to written BBB requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to BBB Standards for Charity Accountability.”
Ohio Department of Health assesses a fine:
OH Bedford Heights Ohio Department of Health letter
Clinic Conditions
According to an inspection report, the facility “failed to ensure a safe and sanitary environment” for patients, visitors, and staff.
Walls in the waiting room were darkened, dirty, and discolored. A review of the contracted cleaning staff’s duties revealed that the walls weren’t cleaned.
The clinic failed to ensure appropriate ventilation and humidity levels in the operating rooms and recover rooms, increasing the risk of infection to patients.
The facility had expired supplies, including test strips to determine whether the proper concentration of disinfectant was used to sterilize instruments. This was a repeat offense. In a later inspection, the facility had and was using expired products for skin dressings, hand hygiene, and disinfectant.
The waiting room door’s automatic release wasn’t working, possibly preventing patients and staff from exiting the building in the event of a fire or other emergency.
Fire extinguishers, which were supposed to be inspected monthly, had not been inspected for several years.
Several tests had labels indicating they should only be used within three months after opening, but products were opened and undated.
Saline, only good for 60 days after opening, had been opened two years ago and was being used.
Cardboard boxes were stored in an unsafe manner, creating a fire hazard.
Band-Aids had been removed from the manufacturer’s protective packaging. Staff claimed that the Band-Aids were open and exposed to save time.
Condoms were used to cover the ultrasound probe which was placed inside women. These condoms were stored unwrapped before use, an unsanitary situation.
A full urine specimen cup was left sitting in the bathroom for four days, untested and not disposed of.
The facility wasn’t monitoring temperature in the refrigerator where fetal remains were kept. Too low temperatures could allow decomposition and create a health risk. The refrigerator also wasn’t given proper maintenance and testing.
The facility failed to post the complaint hotline where patients could see it.
There were unlabeled filled syringes with no indication of what medication was in them. A staff member admitted, “we don’t know what’s in them.”
None of the nurses on staff had surgical experience and none was qualified to be the director of nursing.
Doctors didn’t have proper privileges to perform surgery, and there was no documentation of competence from the governing body of the clinic. The facility did not conduct evaluations based on medical records and references on their doctors. According to the inspection report, “this could affect all patients receiving surgical services in the facility.”
The facility failed to conduct tuberculosis testing on newly hired staff.
The facility failed to perform a yearly evaluation of staff.
Medical Records and Labels
Medical records for patients were incomplete and missing information in all the records inspectors looked at. Vital signs were not recorded and may not have been taken. This was a repeat offense, with another inspection also finding omissions in patient records.
Records weren’t signed, and the times medications were given weren’t recorded.
There were also mistakes. One claimed the patient was given pain medication 1.5 hourse after she was said to have left the facility.
A surgery patient suffered hemorrhaging and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. The clinic didn’t send her medical records to the hospital or notify the hospital’s emergency department.
A second patient was also transferred to the ER having suffered a uterine perforation, which is potentially life-threatening. She needed laparoscopic surgery.
The facility didn’t have “legible and complete” records on either of these women, omitting various pieces of information including medical outcomes. The writing in the records was illegible and couldn’t be deciphered by staff or inspectors.
The facility allowed unauthorized persons to have access to controlled substances. The facility also failed to properly repackage narcotic painkillers. Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Bedford Heights, OH
OH Bedford Heights Indeed 1
OH Bedford Heights Indeed 2
OH Bedford Heights Google 1. Accessed 10.07.22.
OH Bedford Heights Google 2. Accessed 10.07.22.
OH Bedford Heights Google 3. Accessed 10.07.22.
OH Bedford Heights Google 4. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Bedford Heights Yelp 1
OH Canton Google 1. Accessed 10.07.22.
OH Canton Google 2. Accessed 10.07.22.
OH Canton Yelp 1
Mount Auburn
(also known as PP – Southwest Ohio)
See Sex Abuse case under the full affiliate at the top of this page.
The Better Business Bureau webpage lists this center under “did not disclose” and states: “This charitable organization either has not responded to written BBB requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to BBB Standards for Charity Accountability.”
Clinic Conditions
Two operating tables had tears in their vinyl covers.
There was no emergency call system in the recovery room, potentially endangering patients.
Intravenous catheters in the operating room were found to be expired.
A minor patient having surgery suffered an allergic reaction and an asthma attack and had to be taken to the hospital.
Fifteen patients suffered incomplete procedures. Another three women hemorrhaged, and one needed a blood transfusion.
Treatment of Patients
The facility failed to have a transfer agreement with the local hospital, putting patients at risk in the event of complications from surgery.
Surgical devices being used on patients were improperly sterilized.
According to the manufacturer’s instructions, aspiration devices needed to be disassembled and placed in a steam sterilizer for 30 minutes. Staff at the facility were only sterilizing them for three minutes. According to the report, these devices were used on 15-20 patients a week.
According to manufacturer’s instructions, aspiration devices used in surgery could be reused “up to 25 times.” Staff did not keep track of how many times each device was used and didn’t dispose of them unless they malfunctioned. A staff member stated that one aspiration device had been used “for many years.”
February 20, 2015
July 27, 2017
Heath and Human Services/Office of Civil Rights Report: OCR OH Cincinnati Breach
On October 1, 2014, the Covered Entity (CE) mistakenly disposed of binders containing protected health information (PHI). The CE’s archived prescription dispensing logs and waived lab test logs were left in an unlocked closet after business hours and a custodian mistakenly put them in a trash dumpster. The following morning, the dumpster was emptied by the trash collector who took it to be buried with other garbage at a landfill that same day. The PHI involved in the incident included the names, dates of birth, lab results, and medications of approximately 5,000 individuals. After the CE filed the breach report, it determined that the incident was a nonreportable breach based on a four part breach assessment and a low probability that the PHI in the binders had been compromised. Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Cincinnati, OH
OH Cincinnati Indeed 1
Google reviews – Surgical Center / Google reviews – Mount Auburn Center / Yelp reviews
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Google 2. Accessed 10.8.22.
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Google 3. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Google 4. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Yelp 1
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Yelp 2
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Yelp 3
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Yelp 4
OH Cincinnati Mount Auburn Yelp 5
OH Cleveland Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cleveland Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cleveland Google 3. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cleveland Google 4. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cleveland Google 5. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cleveland Google 6. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cleveland Yelp 1
Old Brooklyn
OH Cleveland Old Brooklyn Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Cleveland Old Brooklyn Google 2. Accessed 10.08.22.
OH Cleveland Old Brooklyn Google 3. Accessed 10.08.22.
Columbus (entire city)
The Better Business Bureau webpage lists this center under “did not disclose” and states: “This charitable organization either has not responded to written BBB requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to BBB Standards for Charity Accountability.”
Documents don’t specify at which center the injury occurred; the defendant is the affiliate.
OH Columbus Employee Rights Hedge
OH Columbus Employee Rights Hedge Settled
Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis
by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025
A former clinic manager in Columbus, Ohio, said that patients complained that they felt like they were in a factory. Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Columbus, OH
OH Columbus Indeed 1
Clinic Conditions
A suction machine and its table, still in use, were coated with a heavy layer of dust and dirt.
Patient care supplies were stored in an unsanitary manner, cardboard boxes directly on the concrete floor.
One exam table had a large tear in its vinyl cover, exposing foam and making it impossible be sterilized. A staff member said the tear was brought to the attention of clinic administration a month before, but had not been repaired.
Medical Records and Labels
The facility didn’t properly label filled syringes and open vials of medication. Filled syringes didn’t have the dosages on them, which led one staff member to say he would be afraid to administer the medication to patients. Open vials of medication weren’t all labeled with the date they were opened.
The facility failed to document the times medications were given to patients.
Treatment of Patients
The facility was only supposed to discharge patients who were accompanied by someone. The facility sent patients away alone, and without documentation they were well enough.
The facility failed to post the complaint hotline where patients could see it.
Controlled substances weren’t in a double-locked storage area, so they could be accessed by unauthorized persons.
October 9, 2015
OH Columbus East Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus East Yelp 1
OH Columbus East Yelp 2
OH Columbus Franklinton Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus Franklinton Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus Franklinton Google 3. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus Franklinton Google 4. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus Franklinton Google 5. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus Franklinton Google 6. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus Franklinton Google 7. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus Franklinton Yelp 1
OH Columbus Franklinton Yelp 2
OH Columbus Franklinton Yelp 3
OH Columbus North Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus North Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Columbus North Google 3. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Columbus North Yelp 1
OH Columbus North Yelp 2
OH Dayton Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Dayton Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Dayton Google 3. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Dayton Google 4. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Hamilton Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Hamilton Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Hamilton Google 3. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Hamilton Google 4. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Hamilton Google 5. Accessed 10.08.22.
OH Hamilton Yelp 1
OH Kent Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Kent Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Kent Google 3. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Kent Google 4. Accessed 10.08.22.
OH Kent Yelp 1
OH Kent Yelp 2
OH Kent Yelp 3
OH Lorain Google 1. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Lorain Google 2. Accessed 10.09.22.
Mansfield Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Mansfield, OH
OH Mansfield Indeed 1
OH Mansfield Indeed 2
OH Mansfield Indeed 3
OH Mansfield Google 1. Accessed 10.09.22.
Rocky River
OH Rocky River Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Rocky River Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Rocky River Google 3. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Rocky River Google 4. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Rocky River Google 4. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Rocky River Yelp 1
OH Springfield Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Springfield Google 2. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Toledo Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Toledo Google 2. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Toledo Google 3. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Toledo Yelp 1
OH Toledo Yelp 2
OH Warren Google 1. Accessed 05.06.21.
OH Warren Yelp 1
See this center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews
OH Youngstown Google 1. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Youngstown Google 2. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Youngstown Google 3. Accessed 10.09.22.
OH Youngstown Google 4. Accessed 10.09.22.