Planned Parenthood New York City

Affiliate: Planned Parenthood of Greater New York
covers many centers in and near New York City. 

Locations: 5. Covered here: 5. Two are slated to close soon, according to Planned Parenthood. 

State inspections find many health violations, but the documents don’t specify which clinics. This is why none are listed below.

Patients who feel a need to file a complaint: 
New York State Department of Health – Complaints about Care

Entire Affiliate

Planned Parenthood New York City Employee Rights

Planned Parenthood New York City Racism

General Open Letter

From current and former staffers of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York

June 18, 2020


Racism and Weaponizing of the Work of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Against Staff

Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist, white woman. That is a part of history that cannot be changed . . .  After years of complaints from staff about issues of systemic racism, pay inequity, and lack of upward mobility for Black staff, highly-paid consultants were brought in three separate times to assess the situation. Each time, employees of color were brutally honest about their experiences, but nothing changed . . .

When diversity and equity are weaponized to make changes that are harmful to staff it diminishes the value of these very important areas of change. We know that Planned Parenthood has a history and a present steeped in white supremacy and we, the staff, are motivated to do the difficult work needed to improve.

Decimation of Institutional Knowledge Due to Unprecedented Rates of Staff Turnover

McQuade’s time at PPGNY has been defined by constant staff departures. Under her leadership, 23 members of senior staff have quit or been forced out. Many of these colleagues had 10-20+ years of experience with our affiliate. Others were people hired by McQuade directly to newly created positions who left mere months into their roles. This high amount of turnover has had a destabilizing effect on the organization. The loss of institutional knowledge is so profound as to be detrimental to every aspect of the organization . . .

Supplemental Open Letter: On Equity

June 18, 2020

We write this — as a group of both current and former BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) employees of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York — to expand on the issues of racism and anti-Blackness in our workplace mentioned in our general open letter to the PPGNY Board . . .

PPGNY, under the leadership of CEO Laura McQuade, has effectively gaslit and silenced their marginalized staff thus creating a toxic work environment. While we stand together as people of color, we also stand firm in our commitment to acknowledge that anti-Blackness is a critical and specific fulcrum of white supremacy.

The PPGNY Senior Leadership team, despite the visual appearance of diversity, has repeatedly weaponized the language of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Rather than using their true definitions, senior leaders and upper management have used these terms to manipulate and silence those with differing opinions and perspectives. They have leveraged identity politics by putting Black and other people of color in positions of leadership who actively participate in harming Black staff and other staff members of color below them.

At this point, PPGNY’s attempts to present itself as a diverse workplace have been carefully orchestrated and superficial at best. PPGNY repeatedly tokenizes their Chief Equity and Learning Officer, a Woman of Color who is not of African descent, as the “voice” for BIPOC staff. The decision to hire a non-Black person in this role exemplifies the ways in which white-led organizations use non-Black people as a buffer to actually confront and uproot anti-Blackness within organizations . . .

The class tensions are made clearer when the BIPOC leadership were also complicit in the decisions to furlough/terminate 28% of staff. This included the closing of health centers in the Bronx and Queens, as those areas were being devastated by COVID-19. Additionally furloughed staff, many of which are BIPOC women, remain unclear when they will be called back to work and left with no official information regarding when their health insurance will be terminated.

With multiple attempts by the BIPOC staff to bring these concerns to our supervisors, we continue to be invalidated and marginalized. White and non-Black employees are still given more pay and more advancement opportunities than their Black colleagues. Blanket statements are used to overshadow our grievances, while only exacerbating the problem. Black staff are further disheartened when our white and non-Black colleagues use their privilege to amplify our concerns, and find they, too, are challenged and manipulated into silence.

Article from The New Republic:

APlanned Parenthood California Worker Uprising at Planned Parenthood



As Covid-19 hit New York, staff at a number of Planned Parenthood health centers found themselves facing two crises at once: keeping health services going and keeping their jobs. As some health centers closed temporarily and shifted to telehealth services, staff also saw their hours cut or positions furloughed. To hear workers describe it, this was not entirely unforeseen. For more than a year, they had pressed management to improve conditions for staff, particularly for Black workers, and for the patients they care for. Some on staff have now decided to take their demands public, “inspired and emboldened by national movements led by Black people holding organizations and institutions accountable and working to dismantle systems of oppression and white supremacy.”


Article from Jezebel

Planned Parenthood CaliforniaHow an Ousted CEO Built a Culture of ‘Covert Racism’ and Fear at Planned Parenthood’s Largest Affiliate





[W]hen Laura McQuade, the former head of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, became the new CEO of Planned Parenthood of New York City, Adams quickly felt a shift in the organization’s culture. Part of it stemmed from a promotion that required Adams to move from the Brooklyn clinic, which was largely staffed by people of color, to the organization’s administrative office—a “largely white space,” as she put it. “People of color are at the frontlines, but as you go through the ranks, it becomes whitewashed,” Adams said. . . .

But Adams pinned most of the blame on McQuade, who instituted what she described as a toxic “mean girl” culture and an environment suffused with “covert racism.”

On Tuesday, the board of Planned Parenthood Greater New York announced that they had “parted ways” with McQuade . . . Staff concerns against McQuade included accusations of racism and bullying, as well as charges that she had instituted a revenue-driven, assembly-line approach to PPGNY clinics–one that put patients, and in particular Black and other patients of color, at potential risk.

Article from 1199 Magazine (SEIU union):

Planned Parenthood CaliforniaAs Contract Fight Drags On, Planned Parenthood Workers Say Enough is Enough

February 22, 2021





Frustrated 1199ers at four New York City clinics run by Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) held informational pickets Jan. 7 to demand that management stop dragging their feet and settle a fair contract now.

Workers voted unanimously in August 2019 to join 1199SEIU. And PPGNY’s stalling around a contract settlement commenced almost immediately. More recently, PPGNY telegraphed its intransigence by hiring an HR director straight from a union-busting law firm. And as New York City’s second wave of COVID-19 hit its peak, PPGNY proposed givebacks on workers’ healthcare coverage.

Court Complaint: Mitchell

Mitchell Complaint, March 7, 2023


. . . the reality is that Planned Parenthood continues to be run by people who are openly hostile to racial minorities, the disabled, older workers and those who complain about discriminatory practices.
Proof of this reality lies in the lawsuit filed by . . . Moore, who on October 19, 2022 . . . alleged that Planned Parenthood continued to discriminate against African American employees . . .
Now , [defendant], the Chief Operational Officer and highest ranking African American male in Planned Parenthood of Greater New York’s history, is filing this lawsuit alleging that he too has been victimized by race, gender, age and disability in violation of Federal State, and New York City laws. This lawsuit is meant to shine a light on the discriminatory and retaliatory employment practices that permeate the organization and bring justice to Mr. Mitchell for the unrelenting discriminatory practices he had and continues to endure.

Planned Parenthood New York City

It’s not clear from the Complaints in these two cases which Planned Parenthood center is involved, since they name what was then the New York City affiliate as defendant. 

Case 1: Richards

NY New York City Richards Court Complaint


11. Plaintiff consulted defendants Planned Parenthood of New York City . . . on or about April 3, 2004 for pregnancy and on that date an alleged abortion was performed by defendant . . .

13. That on or about April 8, 2004, plaintiff was admitted to SUNY Downstate Medical Center where she was diagnosed with a right ruptured ectopic pregnancy and was required to undergo a diagnostic laparoscopy, exploratory laparotomy, evacuation of hematoma, right partial salpingectomy, and lysis of adhesions . . .

17. By reason of the foregoing, plaintiff sustained severe and serious personal injuries; was caused to suffer severe physical pain and mental anguish as a result thereof; and many of the injuries are of a permanent and lasting nature; that plaintiff was confined to bed and home and hospital as a result thereof . . .

Case 2: Meese

NY New York City Meese Court Complaint


10. That the defendants . . . undertook and agreed to render medical care to the Plaintiff . . . on or about January 7th, 2011 continuing through January 20th, 2012 and for other times prior and subsequent thereto.

11. The defendants . . . were negligent in the care rendered . . .

12. As a result of the foregoing, the plaintiff was rendered sick and disabled, suffered injuries, pain and mental anguish, was compelled to seek medical care, was forced to undergo additional medical procedures/treatment, incurred expenses and was permanently injured and disabled.


New York City Planned Parenthood


Letter from HHS/OCR responding to complaint NY New York City


Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis

by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York expects clinics to see more than four patients an hour, and for appointments to last about 10 minutes, according to an email sent by management to clinic staff obtained by The Times. The appointment times, set by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, are in line with a trend in health care, widely unpopular with both patients and doctors, to keep primary care visits to about 15 minutes.

But clinic staff members said that they need more than 10 to 15 minutes to provide compassionate care. Many patients have literacy and language barriers, or wrestle with social ills like housing insecurity, abuse and poverty. In New York City, employees said, patients often spend up to three hours in the waiting room for a non-abortion visit.


These chains of Community Health Centers have lists of centers which might be good alternatives: 

Bronx Community Health Network

Morris Heights Health Center

Planned Parenthood Bronx New York Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Bronx, NY

Planned Parenthood Bronx New York NY Bronx Indeed 1



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York








Planned Parenthood Bronx New York NY Bronx Indeed 2



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York








Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

Google reviews / Yelp reviews


Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

NY Bronx Google 1. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York




Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

NY Bronx Google 2. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York





Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

NY Bronx Google 3. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York






Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

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Planned Parenthood Bronx New York






Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

NY Bronx Google 5. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York





Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

NY Bronx Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York












Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

NY Bronx Yelp 2



Planned Parenthood Bronx New York










Planned Parenthood Bronx New York

NY Bronx Yelp 3


Planned Parenthood Bronx New York



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Brooklyn, NY

Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New YorkNY Brooklyn Indeed 1



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New YorkGoogle reviews  / Yelp reviews at this address under the name of “Planned Parenthood – Boro Hall Health Center.”

Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 1. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York




Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 2. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York





Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 3. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York





Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 4. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York





Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 5. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York







Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 6. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York






Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 7. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York







Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 8. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York







Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 9. Accessed 05.26.22.








Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 10. Accessed 05.26.22.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York





Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 11. Accessed 05.26.22.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York






Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 12. Accessed 05.26.22.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York







Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Google 13. Accessed 05.26.22.



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York







Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

NY Brooklyn Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Brooklyn New York

Manhattan –

closing soon 

Planned Parenthood has announced this building will be sold soon, closing the center. They’re hoping to open a new one in Manhattan, but details are not yet available.  

The name of this center used to be the Margaret Sanger Center; on July 21, 2020, PP announced it was removing Sanger’s name due to her racism. 


Court documents:

Owens Court Complaint

Owens Court Settlement


  1. In April, 2009, 17-year-old . . . Owens was a senior in high school in excellent health, looking forward to graduating and attending college in the fall.
  1. On the morning of April 11, 2009 [she] went to Defendant Planned Parenthood for a scheduled termination of pregnancy . . .
  1. . . . Defendant [doctor] . . . noted in his operative report that the procedure was “uneventful” and that there were no complications.
  1. According to Defendant Planned Parenthood’s own records, however, [she] was observed experiencing labored breathing immediately after the procedure ended at 9:20 A.M. Her oxygen saturation levels were also reported to have dropped.
  1. Despite [her] apparent deteriorating condition, the Doctor and Nurse Anesthetist and Planned Parenthood failed to properly monitor her or to administer the proper treatment and failed to make timely contact with EMS until 9:43 A.M. In fact, due to the delay in recognizing and treating [her] condition, [she] was not transported to St. Vincent’s Medical Center . . . until 10:05 A.M.
  1. Although St. Vincent’s was able to stabilize [her], Defendants’ delay and the resultant hypoxia caused [her] to suffer severe irreversible injury. She required a respirator thereafter and was unable to leave the hospital. [She] died at St. Vincent’s five months later on September 8, 2009.

Case 1: Buchanan

Manhattan Malpractice Buchanan Complaint 04.26.2017

NY Manhattan Malpractice Buchanan Letter to the New York Supreme Court

Excerpt from Complaint:

  1. That the foregoing treatment [on May 12, 2015] and management of the plaintiff . . . by the defendant . . . was performed in a careless, negligent, and improper manner . . . including the failure to properly evaluate or diagnose cervical bleeding and cancer thereby causing the plaintiff . . . to sustain severe injuries and dangers . . .
  2. That by reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff . . . was severely injured and damaged, rendered sick, sore, lame and disabled, sustained severe nervous shock and mental anguish, great physical pain and emotional upset, some of which injuries are permanent in nature and duration, and plaintiff will be permanently caused to suffer pain, inconvenience, and other effects of just injuries; plaintiff incurred and in the future will necessarily incur further health care facility and/or medical expenses in an effort to be cured of said injuries; and plaintiff has suffered and in the future will necessarily suffer additional loss of time and earnings from employment . . .

Content of Letter, March 19, 2018

Please be advised that plaintiff . . . died on February 24, 2018. We request that action be marked Stayed. Our Office will commence proceedings to appoint an administrator of the estate.

Case 2: Burton

NY Manhattan Burton Malpractice Complaint


78. That on or about the 21st day of September, 2004, the Defendant . . . improperly handled the post-operative care of Plaintiff at PLANNED PARENTHOOD, resulting in injuries, including but not limited to, a uterine perforation, need for surgical intervention, hematoma and a permanent Ieft leg neuropathy.

79. That during all of the procedures and treatment rendered to the Plaintiff, the Defendants departed from acceptable standards of medical care to the Plaintiff.

80. That the Defendants caused Plaintiff to sustain serious injuries, including but not
limited to, a uterine perforation, exploratory laparotomy, repair of a uterine perforation, infection, and a lumbosacral plexus neuropathy

Case 3: Pusey

NY Manhattan Malpractice Pusey Complaint

NY Manhattan Malpractice Pusey Stipulation

Excerpt from Complaint:

  1. That the defendants PLANNED PARENTHOOD . . . were negligent and committed malpractice in performing surgery in a negligent manner; in negligently perforating the uterus; in negligently lacerating, traumatizing and injuring the left uterine artery; in negligently causing massive hemorrhage and shock; in rendering negligent post-operative monitoring, care and treatment; in failing to exercise proper supervision . . .
  2. That by reason of the foregoing, the plaintiff was proximately caused to sustain severe and permanent personal injuries, pain, suffering loss of enjoyment of life, mental anguish, cosmetic disfigurement, economic and pecuniary damages.

Case 4: Richards

NY Manhattan Malpractice Richards Complaint

13. That on or about April 8, 2004, plaintiff was admitted to SUNY Downstate Medical Center where she was diagnosed with a right ruptured ectopic pregnancy and was required to undergo a diagnostic laparoscopy, exploratory laparotomy, evacuation of hematoma, right partial salpingectomy, and lysis of adhesions.

14. That defendants departed and deviated from good and accepted gynecological and obstetrical practice in the care and treatment rendered to plaintiff and that as a result of the negligent and careless treatment rendered to the plaintiff, plaintiff sustained serious injury and was required to undergo hospitalization and procedure and, upon information and belief, further hospitalizations and procedures may be required . . .

16. That defendants were negligent and careless . . . in failing to adequately test and exam plaintiff and diagnose an ectopic or tubal pregnancy . . .

17. By reason of the foregoing, plaintiff sustained severe and serious personal injuries; was caused to suffer severe physical pain and mental anguish as a result thereof; and many of the injuries are of a permanent and lasting nature; that plaintiff was confined to bed and home and hospital as a result thereof; and was incapacitated from attending to her usual duties and activities.

Planned Parenthood racism


Complaint filed November 12, 2014

Letter from same Complainant

also filed with Health and Human Services – Office of Civil Rights: 

NY Manhattan Letter HHS/OCR 2014 Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Manhattan, NY

NY Manhattan Indeed 1





Google reviews /Yelp reviews

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NY Manhattan Yelp 4





Planned Parenthood Bronx New York Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Queens, NY

Planned Parenthood Queens New York NY Queens Indeed 1

Planned Parenthood Queens New York Google reviews /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Queens New York

NY Queens Google 1. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Queens New York






Planned Parenthood Queens New York

NY Queens Google 2. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood Queens New York






Planned Parenthood Queens New York

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Planned Parenthood Queens New York

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Planned Parenthood Queens New York





Planned Parenthood Queens New York

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Planned Parenthood Queens New York





Planned Parenthood Queens New York

NY Queens Google 7. Accessed 06.21.21.



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Planned Parenthood Queens New York

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Planned Parenthood Queens New York






Planned Parenthood Queens New York

NY Queens Google 9. Accessed 05.26.22.



Planned Parenthood Queens New York









Planned Parenthood Queens New York

NY Queens Google 10. Accessed 05.26.22.



Planned Parenthood Queens New York








Planned Parenthood Queens New York

NY Queens Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Queens New York


Staten Island –


This center is currently listed as closed, and sn August 7, 2024press release from Planned Parenthood says it’s closing permanently. We still list it because Planned Parenthood still has an official web page for this center. 

Planned Parenthood State Island New YorkGoogle reviewsYelp reviews

Planned Parenthood State Island New York

NY Staten Island Google 1. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood State Island New York






Planned Parenthood State Island New York

NY Staten Island Google 2. Accessed 06.21.21.



Planned Parenthood State Island New York





Planned Parenthood State Island New York

NY Staten Island Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood State Island New York