Planned Parenthood Nebraska

Affiliate: Planned Parenthood North Central States
covers Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota

Locations: 2. Covered here: 2.

Patients who feel a need to file a complaint: 
Nebraska Health Care Facilities and Services Complaints

Planned Parenthood NebraskaEntire Affiliate

Planned Parenthood Nebraska

This screenshot is from a video from More Perfect Union: Building Power for Working People. It’s about union organizing for Planned Parenthood. The video advocates the mission of Planned Parenthood and argues that its efforts will help make the mission more effective.

Nebraska Planned Parenthood Unions

Planned Parenthood Nebraska

Planned Parenthood Albany New YorkArticle in The New York Times

Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis

by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025


For months last year at the North Central States affiliate, which oversees the Nebraska clinic, an understaffed nursing department did not upload sexually transmitted infection test results into charts, and patients wrongly believed that their results were negative when they did not hear back.

Planned Parenthood Albany New YorkArticle in The New York Times

Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis

by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025


A Nebraska clinician in 2022 did not realize that a woman was four months pregnant when she inserted an IUD. Several hours later, the patient was rushed to an emergency room and gave birth to a stillborn fetus.


Planned Parenthood NebraskaLincoln


Lincoln Nebraska Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Malpractice Suit


 Plaintiff uses Jane Roe as a pseudonym to protect her privacy.

Filed August 31, 2007

Court Document:

Complaint for Malpractice Roe


  1. . . . Plaintiff was laid back on an examination table and her feet were placed up in stirrups. She then felt an injection into her cervix. The shot was painful and she cried out and told the attendants and Defendant [doctor] of the painful nature of the injection. Shortly thereafter, Plaintiff heard a suctioning sound and felt pressure in her uterus. Plaintiff immediately complained of excruciating pain and told the [doctor] that something was terribly wrong and to stop the procedure. Defendant refused. Plaintiff continued to complain of pain and continued to plead for the procedure to be stopped. Defendant . . . refused and continued moving the suctioning device in the Plaintiff’s uterus. Plaintiff told Defendant . . . that the pain was unbearable. Rather than stopping the procedure or providing Plaintiff with pain medication, Defendant . . . told the Plaintiff, “We can’t stop,” and instructed the attendants to hold her down. . . .
  1. After the procedure, Plaintiff was in acute pain, nauseous, and bleeding from the vagina. A pad was placed over Plaintiff’s vaginal area . . . Plaintiff was then asked to walk over to the recovery room. Plaintiff advised employees that she was in too much pain. She was then assisted to the recovery area . . . When Plaintiff continued to complain of pain, she was provided a heating pad. Plaintiff was not otherwise provided with additional medical treatment at that time . . . Plaintiff was given a prescription for 800 mg. Ibuprofen to be filled after she left the center . . .
  1. . . . In attempting to get to the bathroom, Plaintiff passed out, fell to the floor, and suffered a seizure type event. Plaintiff was on the floor for approximately 10 to 15 minutes during which time Planned Parenthood’s medical treatment of the Plaintiff consisted of placing numerous blankets on her because she was complaining of being cold . . . While on the floor, Plaintiff suffered a second seizure type event. Then Plaintiff, with assistance, was returned to one of the recliner chairs where she suffered a third seizure, this one more acute than the others with Plaintiff’s body stiffening and her eyes rolling up into her head. Plaintiff’s condition continued to deteriorate, and at 4:38 PM Lincoln Fire and Rescue was called . . .
  1. At Bryan LGH East, Plaintiff underwent life-saving emergency surgery. During surgery, the hospital physician discovered that Plaintiff had suffered a catastrophic perforation of her uterus . . . [The doctor] had cut into and through the sidewall of Plaintiff’s uterus and had suctioned tissue from the surrounding area thereby ripping through uterine vessels and ligament . . .
  1. Due to the “extensive nature of the trauma” . . . they preformed an emergency hysterectomy . . .
  1. Neither of the operating physicians had ever seen such extensive wounds to the female uterus and surrounding tissues . . .
  1. . . . Plaintiff required multiple blood transfusions at the hospital. Her final blood loss was approximately 4 liters which is equivalent to 80 percent of the average woman’s total blood volume.
  1. Had she not received the emergency care of the paramedics and the life-saving care of the Bryan LGH medical team when she did, Plaintiff would likely have hemorrhaged to death.



  1. Plaintiff withdrew her consent when she told the Defendants she was in severe pain and ordered them to stop the procedure. By failing to heed the requests of the Plaintiff to stop, and by physically restraining her against her will, Defendants committed a battery upon the Plaintiff.

Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood St. NebraskaNE Lincoln Google 1. Accessed 04.22.21.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 2. Accessed 04.22.21.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 3. Accessed 04.22.21.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 4. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 5. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 6. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 7. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 8. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Lincoln Google 9. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Lincoln Nebraska Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood NebraskaOmaha – Northwest

Omaha Nebraska Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Albany New YorkArticle in The New York Times

Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis

by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025


         Many clinics are in dire need of upgrades and repairs. In Omaha last year, sewage from a backed-up toilet seeped into the abortion recovery room for two days, according to interviews with staff members and photographs and text messages shared with The Times. Employees shoved exam table pads under the bathroom door to block the leak. Patients vomited from the stench.


Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Employee Reviews Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews in Omaha, NE

Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Employee Reviews NE Omaha Indeed 1



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Employee Reviews








Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Employee ReviewsNE Omaha Indeed 2



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Employee Reviews







NE Omaha Indeed 3



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Employee Reviews





Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Omaha Google 1. Accessed 04.22.21.



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Omaha Google 2. Accessed 04.22.21.



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Omaha Google 3. Accessed 04.22.21.



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Omaha Google 4. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews

NE Omaha Google 5. Accessed 02.02.22.



Planned Parenthood Omaha Nebraska Patient Reviews