Affiliate: Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
covers Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. 

Locations: 4. Covered here: 4.  

Patients who feel a need to file a complaint:
Maine Department of Health Report a Complaint

Planned Parenthood Maine

Entire Affiliate

Planned Parenthood Maine Employee Rights

Article from, The New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism

Planned Parenthood Maine Media ReportNew Planned Parenthood Union Takes to the Street




The issue in contention is wages, which union members say are too low at the low end of the agency’s pay scale and rising too slowly for long-term employees.

When Katelin Smith, a Holderness resident, arrived, she quickly grabbed a blank placard and marker to make a sign that said, “I cannot afford the care I provide.”  Others made signs reading, “Better Pay, Help Us Stay,” and “A Livable Wage is All the Rage.”

Planned Parenthood MaineBiddeford

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Planned Parenthood MainePortland

Ma Plannineed Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood MaineSanford

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Planned Parenthood MaineTopsham

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