Affiliate: Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai‘i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky

Locations: 11. Covered here: 11.

Patients who feel a need to file a complaint: 
Indiana Department of Health Complaint Form

Planned Parenthood Indiana

Entire State

Planned Parenthood Nebraska

Planned Parenthood New York Times


Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis

by Katie Benner, February 15, 2025


But in many clinics, they also draw blood and take vital signs. Medical assistants in Ohio, Minnesota, Arizona, California, New York, Texas, Indiana and Illinois said they practiced blood draws and I.V. placements for an hour or so on a fake arm and then on a colleague before performing the procedures in clinics. But they said they sometimes ran into problems, and some said they did not know what to do when they arose.

Planned Parenthood Indiana

Unknown Location

Sexual Harassment Planned Parenthood


IN Court of Appeals Opinion – Jewell


the Defendant made a conscious choice to continue his sexual assaults on the victim even after promising her that he wouldn’t do it again . . . the Defendant told the victim not to tell anyone because it would ruin his life . . .  He also took her to Planned Parenthood to get her birth control pills without her mother’s knowledge . . . 

Planned Parenthood Indiana


Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Health ViolationsIN Bloomington 2017

IN Bloomington 2018

IN Bloomington 2019


Clinic Conditions

According to inspectors, the facility “failed to provide a safe and healthful environment that minimizes infection exposure and risk to patients.”

Human blood from blood tests wasn’t handled in a safe and sanitary manner, risking the spread of blood-borne infections such as HIV and hepatitis. Blood was stored with medications in the refrigerator.  Blood tests for Rh factors were conducted on the same countertop used to prepare medications and blood drops from these tests were in close proximity to pregnancy tests. This was noted in multiple inspections.

Medication was stored on the same countertop where tests were done on urine and blood. This was an ongoing problem cited in two inspections.

The clinic’s backup generator wasn’t given regular maintenance.

Other equipment, such as the two autoclaves used to sterilize instruments, weren’t adequately inspected and maintained. The autoclaves, exam lights, and exam tables weren’t examined for electrical current leakage.

The clinic had (and appeared to be using) expired medication.

An oxygen tank was stored improperly and, according to the report, “could create a source of a potential hazard to patients, visitors, or employees.”

The facility failed to document (and possibly conduct) proper maintenance of equipment such as a defibrillator, emergency call system, recovery chairs, vacuum units, and procedure tables.

Documents indicated that the telephone intercom system wasn’t working, and there was no indication it was fixed.

Staff failed to document (and possibly perform) the cleaning and disinfection of exam rooms, labs, and equipment and weren’t properly trained to do so.


The facility failed to have a policy to evaluate, test, and improve the skills of nurses, lab technicians, and other staff members. The clinic failed to review and evaluate nursing services, laundry services, medical record review services, maintenance services, or laboratory services. This was cited in multiple inspections.

Staff failed to wash their hands after handling linens that were soiled with bodily fluids. No sink or handwashing facilities were present in the room where laundry was washed and handled.

Staff wasn’t trained to use the backup generator and no training manuals were available.

The clinic didn’t have someone “qualified by training or experience” responsible for supervising infection control and making sure proper procedures were implemented and followed.

Staff didn’t have proper training in cleaning and disinfecting instruments, equipment, and exam rooms.

Medical Records and Labels

The clinic failed to maintain accurate medical records, neglecting to record patient condition at discharge, transfers to hospitals of injured patients, procedures performed, and other data. All three inspections found that proper medical records weren’t kept, indicating an ongoing problem.

One inspection found that laboratory results weren’t documented. For example, Rh testing results were neglected to be recorded. If these tests weren’t performed (and we have no way of knowing whether they were, without documentation) and the clinic, therefore, neglected to administer RhoGAM, future pregnancies of women were put at risk. Rh sensitization can cause miscarriages and damage babies in subsequent pregnancies. Also not recorded were pre-abortion pelvic exams.

Staff repeatedly failed to sign paperwork. This was an ongoing problem, cited in two different inspections.

Treatment of Patients

The facility failed to monitor patients’ vital signs while they were in the recovery room after surgery. The clinic didn’t monitor or record blood pressure, respiratory rate, and/or pulse of women post-surgery. This was true of all 22 patients whose records were examined. This was an ongoing problem; the clinic was cited for it in all three inspections.

The clinic lacked the policy to ensure that medical histories were taken promptly and proper physical examinations were performed.


The facility didn’t have a quality assurance program to oversee and evaluate emergencies, infection control, patient complaints, safety, and competence.

There were no training manuals to teach clinic staff how to operate equipment. This was not corrected and was found to be the case in more than one inspection. There were no user manuals for the emergency call system.

The clinic failed to regularly evaluate the care given to patients.

Controlled substances were unsecured and could be accessed by unauthorized persons, such as patients and staff.

Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Employee Reviews Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Bloomington, IN

Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Employee ReviewsIN Bloomington Indeed 1







Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Employee ReviewsIN Bloomington Indeed 2










Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Patient ReviewsGoogle reviews  /  Yelp reviews


Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Bloomington Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Patient Reviews IN Bloomington Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Patient Reviews



Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Bloomington Yelp 2



Planned Parenthood Bloomington Indiana Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood IndianaEvansville

Planned Parenthood Evansville Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Evansville Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Evansville Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Evansville Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Evansville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Evansville Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Evansville Indiana Patient ReviewsPlanned Parenthood Indiana

Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne Indiana Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Fort Wayne Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Fort Wayne Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Fort Wayne Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Fort Wayne Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Indiana


Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Hammond Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21.


Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Hammond Google 2. Accessed 03.03.22.






Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Hammond Google 3. Accessed 03.03.22.


Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Hammond Google 4. Accessed 03.03.22.


Planned Parenthood Hammond Indiana Patient Reviews




Planned Parenthood Indiana


(whole city)



Planned Parenthood Indianapolis Employee Reviews Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Indianapolis, IN

Planned Parenthood Indianapolis Employee Reviews IN Indianapolis Indeed 1



Planned Parenthood Indianapolis Employee Reviews









Planned Parenthood Indianapolis Employee Reviews IN Indianapolis Indeed 2



Planned Parenthood Indianapolis Employee Reviews








Planned Parenthood Indianapolis Employee Reviews

IN Indianapolis Indeed 3



Planned Parenthood Indianapolis Employee Reviews








book about Planned ParenthoodExcerpt from

No Choice: The Destruction of Roe v. Wade and the Fight to Protect a Fundamental American Right

by Becca Andrews

(New York: Public Affairs, 2022) Kindle version


When [Ann] began the new job, she was taken aback by the bare-bones training given to her and the dim dustiness of the clinic. She had a hazy memory of shadowing another counselor before she officially started her job, along with informal conversations with the clinic administrator that covered some of the do’s and don’ts of the work . . .

An administrative office in the back smelled of cigarettes; the staff would sometimes come in on Saturdays when the clinic was closed to clean it themselves, to save money on janitorial staff . . .

Ann: “It did not have the kind of feel you expect when you walk into a doctor’s office. I felt a sense of kind of shame because you want to help these women during what, for some of them, was a really difficult moment. You just realize that the standard is really not high, and there’s this defeatist attitude of there’s only so much you can do.”

Once, in a procedure room, she accidentally stepped on a blood clot, and no amount of sanitizing spray could make her feel like her shoe wasn’t somehow forever tainted.

The carpets were stained; the clinic doctor liked to joke that it looked like a bloody body had been dragged down the hallway. He didn’t seem to notice – or care – that his quip never got a laugh . . .

[A]nother clinic worker accidentally stuck herself with a used needle. The lab room she worked in was small, and the space limitation combined with the frenetic pace of the work meant that it was only a matter of time before there was an accident… [T]he worker wound up on medication meant to ward off the [AIDS] virus . . .



Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Ambulance Calls

November 2, 2012

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Health Violations

IN Indianapolis Georgetown 2012

IN Indianapolis Georgetown 2014

IN Indianapolis Georgetown 2017

IN Indianapolis Georgetown 2018

IN Indianapolis Georgetown 2019


Clinic Conditions

An oxygen tank was left unsecured standing upright in a room. According to the report “if the tank was knocked over and broke the head off the compressed cylinder, it could cause harm to people and/or property.”

Regular preventative maintenance wasn’t conducted on the emergency call system, presenting a potential risk in the case of an emergency. Regular maintenance was also not conducted on a wheelchair.

Emergency defibrillators weren’t tested or properly maintained.

Although the facility gave IV sedation, it had no cardiac monitors available.

The facility failed to change the disinfection solution used to sanitize the procedure room as per the manufacturer’s guidelines.

The facility used expired test strips to test whether Cidex, a sterilization fluid, was of good enough quality to be effective.

There was trash in the clinic parking lot, presenting a habitat and breeding ground for pests such as rodents and insects.

There were expired emergency supplies, including IV bags.

The facility failed to maintain 5 out of 7 pieces of equipment, including smoke detectors and an emergency generator. In a subsequent inspection, 11 of 12 pieces of equipment weren’t properly maintained.

The facility failed to perform regular maintenance on emergency and other equipment. This included the cardiac monitor, defibrillator, suction machine, emergency call system, sterilizer, exam light, and wheelchair. This was cited in more than one inspection.

The facility failed to test the defibrillator to ensure it was in working order.

Electric current leakage checks weren’t performed on equipment.

The facility failed to properly clean and sterilize the vaginal ultrasound probe.

There were no monthly checks of medications, equipment, and supplies.

Clinic staff failed to verify that blood specimens for Rh testing were stored at appropriate temperatures, which may compromise the integrity of the tests. Records indicated these specimens were stored at inappropriate temperatures, and this wasn’t addressed or fixed promptly, rendering the tests unreliable. Failure to detect and treat Rh compatibility problems can lead to miscarriage or infant death and negative outcomes in future pregnancies.


The clinic didn’t conduct or document a proper orientation for new employees.

Two out of four doctors (one half) and one health care assistant weren’t trained in CPR and would not have been able to perform CPR in an emergency. In a subsequent inspection, a medical assistant and the medical director were found not to have CPR certification. This was an ongoing problem.

The clinic had no designated person with prescriptive authority and no one in control of drug stocks.

The clinic didn’t verify staff immunizations and failed to provide hepatitis B vaccines to two employees who requested them. The clinic also knowingly employed several staff members who weren’t vaccinated, despite having a written policy not to do so.

Medical Records and Labels

Medical records were incomplete with missing information. Some of the things the clinic staff failed to document were whether ultrasound was used when needed for surgery, whether the patient had used drugs or alcohol before the procedure, whether the airway was maintained for patients receiving sedation, and whether there were complications. Medical histories were incomplete, with no documentation of women’s health conditions that could affect the safety of procedures. In some cases, the type of anesthesia given to patients and whether they received sedation wasn’t documented. Start and stop times of procedures weren’t documented. Doctors failed to sign paperwork.


One patient who received versed and fentanyl had her oxygen saturation level drop to 76% during her surgery. Despite this dangerously low oxygen saturation level, no supplemental oxygen was given. There was no documentation in her chart of any intervention or medical treatment given for this medical crisis. The director and staff who were interviewed said they “didn’t know” if any treatment was given to this patient.

Treatment of Patients

Clinic staff gave all women the same dosage of fentanyl without regard to body weight, so the clinic overdosed 17 of 18 patients on fentanyl for sedation.

The staff failed to check vital signs for 18 out of 30 patients while they were in the recovery room. These patients had received fentanyl and/or valium but were left unmonitored.

The facility failed to monitor the oxygen saturation of one patient under sedation.

The clinic failed to monitor or record vital signs for women who were under sedation.

Physical examinations weren’t conducted before sedation and medical procedures and proper medical histories weren’t taken. The clinic also failed to ask patients what other medications they were taking and what medications they were allergic to before giving sedation and didn’t document this.

The staff didn’t document (or possibly conduct) Rh counseling for 5 out of 5 patients who were Rh-negative. Rh sensitization presents a risk to infants born in future pregnancies and can cause miscarriages of subsequent pregnancies.

Clinic staff didn’t document (or possibly give) patients proper counseling about aftercare after their procedures.

There was no documentation or indication that the facility was giving patients proper informed consent before medical procedures.

The facility failed to have a policy in place to inform doctors of adverse reactions and medication errors.

Staff failed to verify whether patients who had experienced sedation had someone to drive them home.


The facility didn’t ensure that contracted services were provided safely and effectively. This was also an ongoing problem, cited in multiple inspections, with 71 different contracted services involved.  The clinic also failed to keep a list of contracted services, including their scope and nature. This included pharmacy services, lab services, trash disposal, fire alarm, and sprinkler maintenance, and phone services.

Although there was a committee tasked with implementing proper infection control procedures, that committee failed to meet regularly. When they did meet, the person designated to oversee infection control wasn’t present. The medical director also failed to attend some of the meetings.

No fire or safety inspections were conducted at the clinic.

The clinic failed to have a plan to conduct fire drills.

The facility failed to keep a proper log of controlled medications, presenting the possibility that some could be stolen or misplaced.  Controlled substances were also left unsecured, where unauthorized persons had access to them.

The clinic administrator failed to attend 5 of 5 meetings of the clinic governing board.

The state license wasn’t posted where patients could see it.

The clinic had medications that were not listed in the formulary.

There were concerns reported with a contracted waste disposal company, but no record of corrections or resolution.

Sexual Harassment Planned Parenthood

book about Planned ParenthoodExcerpt from

No Choice: The Destruction of Roe v. Wade and the Fight to Protect a Fundamental American Right

by Becca Andrews

(New York: Public Affairs, 2022) Kindle version


Nowhere was the survival mode mentality more evident than in the unchecked behavior of the [doctor] at the clinic, a graying white man in his 50s . . .

He called her ‘honey’ and played with her hair, and when she needed him to do something, he would respond by telling her he had been waiting all his life to hear her say that, thrusting his pelvis so there could be no mistaking his insinuation . . .

It was his interactions with patients that disturbed Ann the most. The doctor seemed to have a special disdain for any sign of weakness. To a young patient who was shaking from fright, he said, ‘Are you going to be a pain in the tail about this or are you going to act like a big girl and take it?’

Sometimes he would ask the patient to ‘smile pretty’ for him and he would ‘make it nice and easy’ for them . . .

Ann filed multiple complaints against him… Before she left the clinic, in part due to emotional exhaustion, she was assured that her complaints were being taken seriously, and she was forbidden to ever speak of his behavior.

After all, he was risking his life to provide abortion care. Better to let the clinic handle it than to risk handing the antiabortion movement a weapon they would not hesitate to use…

He retired years later.


Planned Parenthood racism

book about Planned ParenthoodExcerpt from

No Choice: The Destruction of Roe v. Wade and the Fight to Protect a Fundamental American Right

by Becca Andrews

(New York: Public Affairs, 2022) Kindle version

Nowhere was the survival mode mentality more evident than in the unchecked behavior of the [doctor] at the clinic, a graying white man in his 50s . . .

She suspected that he was harder on patients who did not speak English, and she fought for privileges as the only Spanish speaker on staff to accompany Latinx patients into the procedure room so she could answer their questions and advocate for them if necessary.

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Employee Rights


Court Document:

Brown Complaint



10. The Defendant hired Ms. Brown on or about September 30, 2013.

11.Throughout her employment with Defendant, Ms. Brown met or exceeded Defendant’s legitimate expectations of performance.

12. On or about June 13, 2016, Ms. Brown provided the Defendant with notice of her disability, which was a diagnosis of cervical cancer.

13. Due to her disability Ms. Brown had to undergo frequent doctor visits.

14. Ms. Brown had to have a biopsy performed every three (3) months.

15. The Defendant made it difficult for Ms. Brown to take a day off every three (3) months in order to have her biopsy performed.

16. The Defendant told Ms. Brown to schedule her biopsies for Monday’s as that would make it easier for her to have the day off.

17. The Defendant continued to make it difficult for Ms. Brown to get the day off for her biopsy, even when scheduled on Mondays.

18. Ms. Brown informed the Defendant that she was going to have surgery due to her disability.

19. The day before her surgery, Ms. Brown called off of work due to pain and bleeding associated with her disability.

20. The Defendant texted Ms. Brown stating “you will not take off without a valid reason.”

21. Ms. Brown had never called into work prior to this date.

22. When Ms. Brown returned to work after surgery she had restrictions.

23. It was difficult for Ms. Brown to sit due to her disability.

24. If and when Ms. Brown did sit she needed a comfortable chair.

25. On or about March 20, 2017, approximately two (2) weeks after Ms. Brown’s surgery there was a staff meeting.

26. When Ms. Brown arrived for the staff meeting there were no open chairs.

27. Ms. Brown felt that standing was better for her anyway due to her disability.

28. Ms. Brown would have had to violate her restrictions in order to carry a chair into the room.

29. Ms. Brown opted to stand due to these complications caused by her disability.

30. Ms. Brown was terminated on or about March 20, 2017 for standing during the staff meeting.

31. Ms. Brown was told that her standing during the staff meeting was “intimidating” and “disrespectful” towards the Vice President. . . .

34. The Defendant intentionally and willfully discriminated against Ms. Brown due to her disability.



Note: The EEOC dismissed the complaint because it was “unable to conclude that information obtained established violations of the statutes. This does not certify that the respondent is in compliance with the statutes.”

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 2. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 3. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 4. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 5. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 6. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 7. Accessed 03.04.22.



Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 8. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 9. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 10. Accessed 03.04.22.



Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 11. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 12. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Google 13. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






















Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Georgetown Yelp 1


Planned Parenthood Georgetown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews



Indiana Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Indianapolis Midtown Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Indianapolis Midtown Google 2. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Indianapolis Midtown Google 3. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana

IN Indianapolis Midtown Google 4. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana

Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana






IN Indianapolis Midtown Google 5. Accessed 03.04.22.



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana





IN Indianapolis Midtown Google 6. Accessed 03.04.22.



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana



IN Indianapolis Midtown Google 7. Accessed 03.04.22.



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews


IN Indianapolis Midtown Yelp 1


Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Indianapolis Midtown Yelp 2



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews














Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Indianapolis Midtown Yelp 3



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews











Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Indianapolis Midtown Yelp 4



Planned Parenthood Midtown Center Indianapolis Indiana Patient Reviews






Indiana Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis IndianaGoogle reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis IndianaIN Indianapolis Southside Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana






Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana

IN Indianapolis Southside Google 2. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana









Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana

IN Indianapolis Southside Google 3. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana


Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana





IN Indianapolis Southside Google 4. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana







Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis IndianaIN Indianapolis Southside Google 5. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana







Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis IndianaIN Indianapolis Southside Google 6. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana







Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis IndianaIN Indianapolis Southside Google 7. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Southside Center Indianapolis Indiana




Indiana Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Health Violations

IN Lafayette 2019


Medical Records and Labels

Doctors failed to sign medical records, and records were incomplete.

Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Lafayette Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Lafayette Google 2. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Lafayette Google 3. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Lafayette Google 4. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Lafayette Google 5. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews










Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Lafayette Google 6. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Lafayette Google 7. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Lafayette Google 8. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Lafayette Google 9. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Lafayette Indiana Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Indiana


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Health Violations

IN Merrillville 2014

IN Merrillville 2017

IN Merrillville 2019


Clinic Conditions

Potentially infectious material was stored in a cabinet, and the cabinet wasn’t labeled as containing biohazardous material.

The facility failed to document (and possibly perform) electrical leakage checks of equipment. This was for 5 of 5 pieces of equipment, including the autoclave, centrifuge, and exam lights.


The medical director hired a doctor without verifying his credentials.

The facility failed to ensure that staff was vaccinated and failed to provide Hepatitis B immunization to staff who requested it. Some of the staff were unvaccinated for diseases such as rubella, measles, and others.

Medical Records and Labels

Doctors failed to sign paperwork. This was noted in two inspections. Physicians didn’t sign to indicate that they took a proper medical history.

The clinic failed to ensure that records were complete and accurate. This was cited in two inspections. One patient’s records stated the patient was discharged at 8:55 AM, but had vital signs taken at 9:38 AM. Another chart indicated a patient was discharged at 2:05 PM but had vital signs taken at 3:06 PM. A third patient was said to have gone to the recovery room at 12:59 PM but recorded as discharged at 12:11 PM.  A fourth record documented a discharge time of 11:20 AM but claimed vital signs were taken at 12:56 PM and 1:02 PM. There were multiple other examples.

Type of sedation patients received was not documented.

Records failed to verify that patients understood discharge instructions.

The facility had no policy to protect patient records from fire, water, or other damage.

Treatment of Patients

According to the report, the facility “failed to ensure the implementation of policy and standards of care related to the checking of vital signs in the procedure and recovery rooms.” There were no vital signs taken for 28 patients.

The facility failed to conduct Rh counseling for Rh negative patients. Failure to treat Rh incompatibility can lead to miscarriage or health problems for the baby in future pregnancies.

Patients weren’t given proper instructions as to hygiene and self-care after their surgery. Paperwork given to patients omitted this information.


The governing body of the clinic failed to review and evaluate laundry and pharmacy services.

There was no policy in place to report adverse reactions to medication or medication errors to the doctor.

The facility didn’t have a policy to deal with health care workers’ practice problems. They had no policy for dealing with providers coming in under the influence, having criminal histories, needing disciplinary actions, or other potential problems.

The clinic had no policy for infection control. The staff member in charge of infection control wasn’t qualified for that position, and had not been trained.

The facility didn’t have a plan in place for working with state and federal agencies in the event of an emergency.

Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Employee Reviews Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Merrillville, IN

Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Employee ReviewsIN Merrillville Indeed 1


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Employee Reviews








Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Employee ReviewsIN Merrillville Indeed 2


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Employee ReviewsPlanned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Merrillville Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 

Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Merrillville Google 2. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews




Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Merrillville Google 3. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Merrillville Google 4. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews 





Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Merrillville Google 5. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews




Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews


IN Merrillville Google 6. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN  Merrillville Google 7. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews



IN Merrillville Google 8. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews













Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Merrillville Google 9. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Merrillville Google 10. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Merrillville Google 11. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Merrillville Google 12. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Merrillville Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews Planned Parenthood Merrillville Indiana Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Indiana


Indiana Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Employee Reviews Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Mishawaka, IN

IN Mishawaka Indeed 1

Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Employee Reviews

Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews

IN Mishawaka Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Mishawaka Google 2. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Mishawaka Google 3. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Mishawaka Google 4. Accessed 03.04.22.

Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient ReviewsIN Mishawaka Google 5. Accessed 03.04.22.


Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient Reviews




IN Mishawaka Yelp 1

Planned Parenthood Mishawaka Indiana Patient ReviewsPlanned Parenthood Indiana

New Albany

New Albany Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Employee Reviews Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for New Albany, IN

Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Employee Reviews IN New Albany Indeed 1

Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Employee Reviews



Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient Reviews

Google reviews  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient ReviewsIN New Albany Google 1. Accessed 04.30.21. 



Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient ReviewsIN New Albany Google 2. Accessed 04.30.21. 


Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient ReviewsIN New Albany Google 3. Accessed 03.04.22. 


Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient ReviewsIN New Albany Google 4. Accessed 03.04.22. 


Planned Parenthood New Albany Indiana Patient Reviews