Planned Parenthood Colorado

Affiliate: Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains  
covers Colorado, New Mexico, Southern Nevada, and Wyoming.

Locations: 13. Covered here: 12.

Colorado is one of the states that doesn’t do health inspections of these kinds of facilities, although the doctors are regulated.

Patients who feel a need to file a complaint:
Colorado Health Facilities – File a Complaint

Planned Parenthood ColoradoEntire Affiliate

Planned Parenthood Colorado Employee Rights

Article from In These Times: 

Planned Parenthood CaliforniaPlanned Parenthood’s Union Busting Could Have a Chilling Effect for Workers Everywhere

by Rebecca Burns, June 25, 2018



Article from ReWire News Group

Planned Parenthood California‘Frustrating,’ ‘Confusing’: Planned Parenthood Workers Grapple With Organization’s Union Fight: A fight in Colorado over Planned Parenthood unionization has some wondering why the reproductive health-care champion would stand in the way

by Erin Heger, June 14, 2018


Article from The Intercept: 

Planned Parenthood CaliforniaPlanned Parenthood is Asking Donald Trump’s Labor Board for Help Busting its Colorado Union: If Planned Parenthood is to prevail, it could be a setback for similar workers across the country

by Aida Chávez,  May 23, 2018


Planned Parenthood ColoradoTier 1

Planned Parenthood ColoradoDenver

Park Hill

(also known as Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains)
This was previously named Stapleton, after the neighborhood, but was changed along with the neighborhood name due to new awareness of its racist connotations. 

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Sexual Abuse


Court Documents:

Smith – Original Complaint (filed February 6, 2013)

Smith – Amended Complaint and Jury Demand (filed June 20, 2014)


Excerpt from Amended Complaint:


  1. This case seeks economic and non-economic damages arising from the Defendants’ multiple failures to inquire about how a thirteen-year-old girl became pregnant, or what her relationship was to the adult man who brought her to Defendants for an abortion, despite numerous opportunities to speak to the girl alone; their failures to report known or suspected sexual abuse despite numerous indications that the man had sexually abused the girl; and administration of a long-term and undetectable form of birth control to the girl despite her fear of needles, all of which enabled the man to continue his years of sexual abuse of the girl without discovery or consequence.


In July of 2012, the adult man was charged with two counts of felony sexual abuse and, in January of 2013, he was sentenced to 28 years in prison.  


Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Ambulance Ambulance Callse

December 8, 2022

December 29, 2023


Ambulance Call Incident Reports:

CO Denver Incidents 1

CO Denver Incidents 2

CO Denver Incidents 3

CO Denver Incidents set of 5 (one duplicated)

CO Denver Park HIll 911 call 07.28.22

10/26/2012 Ectoptic pregnancy.

3/5/2013 Patient having lots of pain.

1/8/2016 problem redacted (blocked out in the report)

4/15/2016 problem redacted

8/13/2016 Heavy bleeding after procedure

8/31/2016 problem redacted

11/3/2016 problem redacted

7/28/2022 problem unspecified

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Google Reviews  /  Yelp Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Park Hill Google 1. Accessed 07.15.22.






Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Park Hill Google 2. Accessed 07.15.22.






Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Park Hill Google 3. Accessed 07.15.22.







Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Denver Park Hill Google 4. Accessed 07.15.22.








Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Denver Park Hill Yelp 1












Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Park Hill Yelp 2





Tier 2

Planned Parenthood ColoradoArvada

Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Arvada Google 1. Accessed 04.26.21








Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Arvada Google 2. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Arvada Google 3. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Arvada Google 4. Accessed 07.15.22.







Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Arvada Google 5. Accessed 07.15.22.







Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Arvada Google 6. Accessed 07.15.22.






Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Arvada Google 7. Accessed 07.15.22.







Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Arvada Google 8. Accessed 07.15.22.









Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Arvada Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews











Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Arvada Yelp 2












Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Arvada Yelp 3





















Planned Parenthood Arvada Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Arvada Yelp 4










Planned Parenthood ColoradoAurora

Aurora Colorado Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Ambulance Ambulance Callse

Ambulance Call Incident Report:

Aurora Document 09.24.22 (seizure)


Planned Parenthood Colorado Employee Rights

Post from June 18, 2018:


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Union Busting

Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews Yelp reviews


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 1. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 2. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 3. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 4. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 5. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 6. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 7. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Google 8. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Aurora Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Aurora Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood ColoradoBoulder

Boulder Colorado Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Boulder Google 1. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Boulder Google 2. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Google 3. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews







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Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Google 5. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Google 6. Accessed 07.29.22.



Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Google 7. Accessed 07.29.22.






Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Google 8. Accessed 07.29.22







Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Google 9. Accessed 07.29.22







Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Yelp 1













Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Yelp 2












Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Yelp 3

















Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Yelp 4





















Planned Parenthood Boulder Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Boulder Yelp 5









Planned Parenthood ColoradoColorado Springs

Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood

See center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Malpractice Suits

Case 1: Byer

Article from The Colorado Springs Gazette

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs GazettePlanned Parenthood doctor accused of forcing abortion

by Kassondra Cloos, February 27, 2013

Court document:

Byer – Complaint and Jury Demand

Filed February 6, 2013


  1. Upon Plaintiff’s condition that she would receive anesthesia for pain through an I.V. for which Plaintiff would pay an additional fee, Plaintiff agreed to the surgical abortion. . . .
  1. However, before the I.V. was inserted and before the Plaintiff received any anesthesia, the Planned Parenthood Doctor [name unknown] began the procedure . . .
  1. At this time, Plaintiff immediately told the Planned Parenthood Doctor to stop and that she did not want to go through with the abortion procedure because she had not received any anesthetic. Plaintiff also informed . . . that she believed this to be a sign she should not go through with the abortion. The Planned Parenthood Doctor did not stop, despite Plaintiff’s request . . .
  1. The Planned Parenthood Doctor then proceeded to use the vacuum machines while Plaintiff was fully awake and had not received any anesthetic despite their agreement. Plaintiff was forced to feel the full pain of the procedure against her will. . . .
  1. Upon Plaintiff’s return home, it was evident the pain medication did not work . . . After approximately two (2) days Plaintiff just barely had enough strength to make it to the Emergency Room at Penrose Hospital . . .
  1. The medical staff at Penrose informed Plaintiff she needed an emergency D&C . . .
  1. Plaintiff remained in the hospital for approximately two (2) to four (4) days due to her weakness from fever and loss of blood. Most D&C patients leave the same day, which is evidence of Plaintiff’s severe injury from Planned Parenthood’s negligent procedure.

Case 2: Hepner

Court document:

Hepner – Docket

Filed: May 7, 2014

Closed: August 26, 2016

No further information. Assumed to be the Colorado Springs center because it was filed in El Paso County. 

Case 3: Mazurek

Court document:

Mazurek – Docket 

Filed: October 17, 2016

Closed: May 9, 2017

No further information. Assumed to be the Colorado Springs center because it was filed in El Paso County. 

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Employee Reviews Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Colorado Springs, CO

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Employee ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Indeed 1


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Employee Reviews






Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Employee ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Indeed 2


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Employee ReviewsPlanned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

CO Colorado Springs Google 1. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

CO Colorado Springs Google 2. Accessed 04.26.21.







Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

CO Colorado Springs Google 3. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

CO Colorado Springs Google 4. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 5. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 6. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews





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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews







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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews





CO Colorado Springs Google 9. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 10. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 11. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews





Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 12. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 13. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews






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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews






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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews






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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 17. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 18. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 19. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 20. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews




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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 23. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

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Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 25. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsPlanned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 26. Accessed 07.30.22
Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Google 27. Accessed 07.30.22

Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Yelp 1









Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Yelp 2








Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Yelp 3










Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Yelp 4















Planned Parenthood Colorado Springs Patient ReviewsCO Colorado Springs Yelp 5





Planned Parenthood ColoradoCortez

Planned Parenthood Cortez Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Cortez Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Cortez Google 1. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Cortez Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood ColoradoDenver (entire city) Planned Parenthood Employee Reviews for Denver, CO

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Employee ReviewsCO Denver Indeed 1


Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Employee Reviews








Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Employee ReviewsCO Denver Indeed 2


Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Employee Reviews







CO Denver Indeed 3

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Employee Reviews


Planned Parenthood ColoradoDenver


Colorado Denver Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 1. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 2. Accessed 07.30.22.


Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 3. Accessed 07.30.22.

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 4. Accessed 07.30.22.

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 5. Accessed 07.30.22.

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 6. Accessed 07.30.22.

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 7. Accessed 07.30.22.

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 8. Accessed 07.30.22.


Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 9. Accessed 07.30.22.

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Google 10. Accessed 07.30.22.

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Denver Central Yelp 1

Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient Reviews










Planned Parenthood Denver Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Denver Central Yelp 2




Planned Parenthood ColoradoDurango

Temporarily Closed

Planned Parenthood Durango Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews


Planned Parenthood Durango Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Durango Google 1








Planned Parenthood Durango Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Durango Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood ColoradoFort Collins

Colorado Fort Collins Planned Parenthood

Alexis “Lexi” Arguello

Date of death: February 6, 2025. 

The cause of death was an amniotic fluid embolism as a complication of surgery at the Fort Collins Planned Parenthood. 

January 7, 2023 

Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Fort Collins ColoradoCO Fort Collins Google 1. Accessed 07.30.22.


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 2. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 3. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Durango Colorado Patient Reviews








Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Fort Collins Google 4. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews






Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 5. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews







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Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Fort Collins Google 7. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 8. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 9. Accessed 07.30.22



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 10. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 11. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 12. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 13. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Fort Collins Google 14. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews

Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Fort Collins Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Fort Collins Yelp 2



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews










Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Fort Collins Yelp 3



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews















Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Fort Collins Yelp 4



Planned Parenthood Fort Collins Colorado Patient Reviews



Planned Parenthood Colorado

Glenwood Springs

Colorado Glenwood Springs Planned Parenthood

See this center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews

Planned Parenthood Glenwood Springs Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews

Planned Parenthood Glenwood Springs Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Glenwood Springs Google 1. Accessed 07.22.22.



Planned Parenthood Colorado


this center’s Better Business Bureau page for complaints and reviews

Planned Parenthood Greeley Colorado Patient Reviews

Google reviews  /  Yelp reviews


Planned Parenthood Greeley Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Greeley Google 1. Accessed 07.22.22.







Planned Parenthood Greeley Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Greeley Google 2. Accessed 07.22.22.








Planned Parenthood Greeley Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Greeley Google 3. Accessed 07.22.22.




Planned Parenthood ColoradoLittleton

Colorado Littleton Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews

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Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Littleton Google 1. Accessed 07.30.22

Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Littleton Google 2. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Littleton Google 3. Accessed 07.30.22


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews

CO Littleton Google 4. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews


CO Littleton Google 5. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews


CO Littleton Google 6. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews


CO Littleton Google 7. Accessed 04.26.21.



Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews


CO Littleton Google 8. Accessed 04.26.21.


Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews



Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Littleton Yelp 1



Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews









Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Littleton Yelp 2



Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews







Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient ReviewsCO Littleton Yelp 3



Planned Parenthood Littleton Colorado Patient Reviews